Pictures of Zachary (top 4) compared to his sister, Anika (bottom 4), at the same age. Note: Right mouse click on the image below and select "View Image" to enlarge these pictures and see the "very real story they are telling"...make sure you read notes below pictures, too!
Picture 1: Top Zachary - Newborn Note very red/orange cheeks - Zachary had been given a bottle of special formula to raise his low glucose levels at birth. Studies are starting to show that a low glucose level in a newborn's blood work may be one of the first signs of a potentially "at risk" child. Compare Zachary's newborn picture to Anika's newborn picture (1 on bottom). Note her color is almost normal. If you don't have your child's newborn blood work - get it - it is often not part of the clinic's medical records! You have to get it through the hospital where your child was born. Picture 2: Both Zachary and Anika were one month old and were on breast milk at this time. Zachary's color is much better. Picture 3: Both Zachary and Anika were about three months old. Zachary was on formula and already had red cheeks. Anika's color is fine - she was still on breast milk. Picture 4: Both Zachary and Anika were nine months old. Both were on formula. Zachary's cheeks and ears were noticeably red. I had been told "that is just his normal color", or "he's probably just teething". No one ever suggested a food intolerance. Again, Anika's color is fine. Note: Red ears and/or red cheeks are one of the first signs of a food intolerance...of course, I did not know that at the time! Don't let any pediatrician lull you into thinking these signs are "normal"... they aren't!