After going through this file, you will never look at autism, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and diabetes in the same light and you will be so well informed of so many key issues that you won't be "snowed" by a lot of what you are told - as parents, as educators, as researchers, as doctors, etc.! A MUST READ for anyone with an interest in these issues! Below is my research file... it is HUGE and covers many topics including but not limited to: 1. History of autism, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's (the undeniable link among the 3 disorders) 2. The role of iron and insulin (prenatal vitamins, baby foods/formulas as poison in a bottle, and possibly a first tripwire for autism 3. The role of insulin in autism, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's 4. What mercury does to neurons (see what was captured ON VIDEO) 5. The lie about the "genetic link" to autism (see how almost every chromosome in the human dna code was said to carry "the autism gene") 6. The incredible white-washing of the CDC Thimerosal Study on mercury in vaccines 7. The incompetence of the CDC/FDA/Pharmaceuticals in setting minimal risk levels for toxins found in vaccines (such as mercury and aluminum) 8. Quotes from secret behind closed doors meetings on mercury and aluminum in vaccines... 9. What experts are saying... 10. Much, much, much more! SAVE THIS FILE TO YOUR HARD DRIVE OR DESKTOP - ... ONLY THEN ... OPEN BY CLICKING "READ ONLY" ( YOU DO NOT NEED A PASSWORD - the password is there so that no one modifies my file). ENJOY!