Genetically Engineered Foods... No Real Studies On Safety... In America, genetically modified (GM) foods have been around a while... but, what most people do not realize is that these foods, like vaccines, have no studies evaluating any long-term effects of these products. Genetically engineered foods are grown in aluminum rich soil because ALUMINUM is a KNOWN GENE MUTANT! Could this explain why cancer is so much on the upswing in America? Aluminum is found in everything from toothpaste to foods to medicine, to vaccines. The following article, entitled Ministers 'ignored' GM crop evidence (, by Alison Hardie - published in The Scotsman on Monday, June 23, 2003, accused the government of ignoring reports stating that these crops could be harmful to human health - appeared in the UK as President G.W. Bush tried to push the agenda for "genetically engineered foods" saying it could end world hunger. Just where are the independent studies on the safety of these foods? I quote from the above article: "Mr Meacher, the environment minister for six years before being sacked, said no proper testing had been carried out on the effects on human health of GM foods. He said the one report produced on GM - which warned of possible negative effects - had been "rubbished" in government circles". Let us look at a few facts when it comes to the agenda for pushing genetically engineered foods and what these foods are really doing to the "economy" in developing countries! ( It seems to me that America has always been blessed with excess in food products. If we really wanted to end world hunger, perhaps it would help if world leaders did not allow food supplies to rot by the tons in warehouses because perhaps the problem is not one of "food" per se, but, according to many, a problem of logistics in actual distribution. If you can't distribute foods that are already there and rotting in warehouses, why should we ever believe there is a real push to end world hunger. Personally, I simply don't believe it! This article, entitled Hungry people, Rotting Grains (, by Pushpraj Singh states, and I quote: "Four of five malnourished children in the developing world live in countries that produce surplus foods. The challenge facing us is to see that the food gets into the hands and mouths of those who really need it" Indeed, there is article after article indicating the same issue exists - that the issue is not one of "too little food" but rather, an issue of distribution - as such - "more food" via "genetically engineered foods" will do, in my opinion, nothing to solve matters of world hunger! I quote an article on the World Food Summit 2002,
The Hungry Will Have To Wait... ( "Take the case of India, where the shameful paradox of plenty fails to move the government to wage a war against hunger and malnutrition. And that too in a country, which alone has a third of the world's estimated 800 million hungry and tragically over 65 million tonnes of food stocks rotting in the open." [end of quote, emphasis added]. Perhaps if Mr. Bush really wants to end world hunger, he should address first and foremost DISTRIBUTION PROBLEMS rather than pushing the agenda of companies wanting to supply potentially dangerous foods for human consumption. Start by showing the world you can distribute the food that is already in these countries to the needy - and then, perhaps world leaders will be able to convince the rest of us of their true motives when it comes to "alleviating world hunger"! You can get all the food you want to developing countries, but unless you can actually deliver it, it really doesn't matter - does it! Of course, balance sheets of companies making these foods can indicate better sales... so, in actuality, yes, their balance sheets look better - and meanwhile - foods rot in warehouses and the hungry continue to go hungry! It seems to me the "vaccine agenda" was pushed aggressively too... and now, we find ourselves with explosions in neurological disorders - explosions that - based on comments at the Simpsonwood Meeting of 2000 - a meeting convened by the CDC - clearly indicate a link between vaccines and neurological disorders. Note that many studies now tie aluminum to Alzheimer's... This is not surprising given that comments at the Simpsonwood Meeting indicated they (government) knew aluminum to mirror mercury in its effects! For more on aluminum, I encourage everyone to read the information provided under The Aluminum Connection as well as the information provided in my third book, Breaking The Code: Putting Pieces In Place! |